Hello my loves !
It's been one month since my first exams started. It's this time of the year when you get quite panicky and stressed about your whole year or future. I'm not a stress-free person but I've managed to chill out a little bit and take it as a nice activity. So I tried to enjoy it as much as I could, and I thought I'd write this post with a few little tips that have helped me chill out because after all, exams aren't easy!
1 - RELAX ! This point is really important. Don't take your exams too seriously. I mean, yes, it's the most important part of your year but don't put a lot of stress on it. The more you stress the less you will concentrate yourself and the more you'll fail your exams. So just relax. If something doesn't want to stay in your head, try to learn it again later. You'll learn it when you're brain's calm.
2- Make it enjoyable. If you make your revision enjoyable, you'll be more okay to deal with it. I write short notes with the essential of my lessons so I only focus on what's important. I use a lot of colors so it's prettier to read but also easier.
3- Give your brain a break. You can't overdo it with the revision otherwise you'll burn yourself out and it will actually be more detrimental to your results. I try to have a break every 2 hours for about 10/15 minutes. I find it really helpful to concentrate myself more on my work when I'm back at it. Even laying on your bed for a little while or having a cup of tea can be a little break or having a quick check of Twitter/Instagram!
4- Take time for yourself. You can take a bath, watch Netflix, go outside or to meet friends. Let your brain breathe a little and you too.You can also treat yourself, it doesn't have to be expensive or huge; I just got myself new detox teas (www.TeamiBlends.com you can also have 10% off your purchase with the code LAXTITIA10). The taste is really good and I love to try new teas. So it's kind of a gift from me to myself! And I really enjoy it way better. It's like a little treat to tell me to continue my exams this way! So treat yourself, the little things really make an impact on your mood, believe me!
5. Eat & sleep well ! This might not be the first thing you'll think about but it's as important as the others. And by eat, I mean eat H E A L T H Y ! When we are faced to an intense stress, we all tend to turn to certain foods that provide us comfort. However, these foods can sometimes help to intensify your stress. So balance your plate (proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables) and drink a lot of water. Limit your intake of caffeine, alcohol and foods high in fat. All these foods can have a negative impact on your day - and your nights. Remember that your mental and physical health are so much more important than ANY EXAM!
To conclude, don't put too much pressure on yourself and be positive, everything's going to be okay in the end ! By the way, I'd love to hear your tips for keeping exam stress on the down low! Leave me some tips in the comments! And good luck for your exams :-)
Dear Laxtitia, I am following daily your blog.
RépondreSupprimerI think you are fantastic and your style is perfect !!! I enjoy to see Parisian can live as far as I am living in Moscow...
Wish you all the best for your exams!!! Btw what are you studying ?
Greetings from Moscow
Hello Tatyana,
SupprimerI'm really happy to know that people from Russia read my blog! It's amazing to see I can touch people from everywhere in the world! Thank you for my exams, I am studying law!
Have a nice day, Laetitia xx
This post reminds me how much I'm happy to have finished the university!ahaha Good luck with your study Laetitia, my sister is studying law and I know how much can be difficult!
Taking time for yourself to properly real and nurture body and mind is very important. After all, you want them to perform at their best!
RépondreSupprimerGood luck with your exams.
LindaLibraLoca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking
Exactly! The most important thing is to not change your good habits! x
SupprimerNice post:)
RépondreSupprimerxxx Marina,
Agree with all of these! Just finished my exams this morning yaaay!
Just finished mine today, finally! x
SupprimerHi Laxtitia! I hope to get to know you more by reading your blog!
RépondreSupprimergreetings from the Philippines!